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There are two main hints to keep in mind when using HSPICE, they are:

  1. Know what to expect from the simulation BEFORE running it!!!
  2. Simulation is NO substitute for THINKING.
Even though these hints are not always followed, they are good guidlines to use. For instance, if you run a simulation on a circuit that you know has a gain of around 100db and get 1db, it is easily to assume that an error exists in the netlist of the circuit. On the other hand, if a result of 1db is returned and the actual is not known, it can easily be assumed to be correct when an error actually exits in the netlist!!

Basic Strategy:

Even if you don't go through the entire help website, make sure you get an understanding of how to write basic netlists. Here is a guideline that you could follow:

Other helpful hints:

  1. You can measure the voltage at any node, or the voltage between any two nodes. However, you can only measure the current passing through a voltage source. To measure a current through a branch, insert a dummy voltage source of value 0 in that branch (like an ammeter) and measure the current through this dummy voltage source.
  2. It is not required to use one of HSPICE's graphing programs. One of the most common ways is to extract the graphing data from the .lis file using scripts and then use Matlab to graph the data. To extract the data from the .lis file, have .PRINT statements. Use ".OPTIONS ingold" so that the data is in the exponent notation. Just edit the .lis file that you get to have the data suitable for Matlab.

The material in this website is an expanded version of material presented by Dr. J. Steensgaard. This website is maintained by Shouri Chatterjee.  This page was last updated on 02/11/2003