Many of our publications have made it to the "Top 100 Downloads"
ranking of IEEExplore
and the list of "Most Read Articles of the IEEE Journal of Solid State
Most Read IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits Listing
- Our October 2011 JSSC paper "A 0.6V GSM Receiver With In-Band
Interference Cancellation in 65nm CMOS" ranked first in
the Top Documents
Accessed of the IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits for October
- Our October 2011 JSSC paper "A Low-power Low-noise
Direct-Conversion Front End with Digitally Assisted IIP2 Background
Self Calibration" ranked second in
the Top Documents
Accessed of the IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits for October
- Our March 2010 JSSC paper "A 0.6V 32.5mW Highly Integrated Receiver
for 2.4GHz ISM-Band Applications" ranked sixth in
the Top Documents
Accessed of the IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits for March
- Our May 2009 JSSC paper in collaboration with Toshiba "Design of a
High Performance 2-GHz Direct-Conversion Front-End With a Single-Ended
RF Input in 0.13um CMOS" ranked first in
the Top Documents
Accessed of the IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits for May
F. Zhang and P. Kinget, "Design of Components and Circuits Underneath
Integrated Inductors," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Oct. 2006,
pp. 2265-2271.
- P. Kinget, "Device mismatch and Tradeoffs in the Design of Analog
Circuits", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 40, no 6, June
2005, pp. 1212-1224.
- S. Chatterjee, Y. Tsividis and P. Kinget, "0.5 V Analog Circuit
Techniques and Their Application in OTA and Filter Design," invited,
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 40, no 12, December 2005,
pp. 2373 - 2387.
- P. Kinget, R. Melville, D. Long and V. Gopinathan "An injection locking
scheme for precision quadrature generation", invited, IEEE Journal of
Solid-State Circuits, vol. 37, no 7, July 2002, pp. 845-851
IEEExplore Top 100 Downloads (link)
- Our August 2007 JSSC paper "An Ultra Compact Differentially Tuned 6
GHz CMOS LC VCO with Dynamic Common Mode Feedback" was ranked #55 in the
July 2007 and #27 in the
August 2007 Top 100
Downloads of the whole IEEExplore site!
- Our April 2007 JSSC paper "A 0.5-V 1-Msps Track-and-Hold Circuit
with 60-dB SNDR" was ranked #31 in the April 2007 Top 100
Downloads of the whole IEEExplore site!
- Our March 2007 JSSC paper "A 0.5-V 74-dB SNDR 25-kHz
Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator with a Return-to-Open DAC" was
ranked #45 in the March 2007
Top 100 Downloads of the whole IEEExplore site!
- Our Oct. 2006 JSSC paper "Design of Components and Circuits
Underneath Integrated Inductors" was ranked #55 in the Sept. 2006 and #27 in the Oct. 2006 Top 100 Downloads
of the whole IEEExplore site!
- Our August 2006 JSSC paper "Tail-Current Shaping to Improve Phase
Noise in LC Voltage Controlled Oscillators" was ranked #68 in the July 2006
Top 100 Downloads of the whole IEEExplore site!
- Our June 2006 JSSC paper "Low Power Programmable Gain CMOS
Distributed LNA" was ranked #19 in the June 2006 Top 100 Downloads
of the whole IEEExplore site!