[ Introduction ]
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[ Source File ]
[ Devices ] [ Commands ]
[ Notes ]
This page lists some typical circuit devices and their uses and notations
(This page is a slightly edited version of material
created by Ryan Carlson of the ECE department at Oregon State University)
The element statement specifies the type of element or independent
source used. It has a field for the element name, the connecting nodes, a value
for the component, and optional parameters.
General Form:
NAME node1 node2 nodeN <model reference> value <optional parameters>
Note: all fields in '<>' are optional and do not have to be included.
The fields are:
- Specifies the type and name of element. The first letter in the name field
identifies the element as a specific type, e.g., C=capacitor, L=inductor,
R=resistor. The remaining letters give the element a unique name.
- node
- Specifies how the element is connected in the netlist, e.g., what nodes
the element is between.
- value
- Gives the values of the element.
- <model reference>
- Refers to the model when the basic element value does not provide an
adequate description.
- <optional parameters>
- Used to modify existing values within a .MODEL for this particular
element. In other words a .MODEL might have a temperature of 27 degrees when
you want 40 degrees Centigrade.
c1 2 0 10u
Represents an a 10uF capacitor (named '1') located between node 2 and ground.
Another example for element statements can be found in lab1a.sp.
The element statements are those not beginning with a '.'.
.MODEL statements allow extra device descriptions are required for
accuracy. For instance, a .MODEL statement can be used to give resistors
operating temperatures, L and W values to MOSFET's, or even insulator thickness
on a capacitor. .MODEL statements can be included any within the .lis,
though they are usually placed before the netlist for convenience.
General Form:
.MODEL mname modeltype<keyword=value>
The fields are:
- mname
- The model reference name specified in the asociated element statement.
- modeltype
- Specifies the model type to be used, i.e., R for a resister, C for a
capacitor, and L for inductor.
.MODEL res1 R RES=1k $just a 1 ohm resistor
.MODEL res2 R RAC=100 $resistor with 100 ohm AC resistance
Example file lab3b.sp
displays a .MODEL statement where tansisters labn and labp are labeled as npn
and pnp respectively.
.PARAM statements allow the user to define local variables. The
variables can be defined as values, equations, or even functions.
General Form:
.PARAM variable = 'expression'
.PARAM variable = value
The fields are:
- variable
- Represents the name of the variable or function to be defined.
- expression
- Represents the value, equation, or function to be assigned to the
.PARAM x=5 $x assigned the value of 5
.PARAM x='y+3' $algebraic equation
.PARAM rho(leff,weff)='x*leff*weff-2u'
+ $Function declarations
The resistor elements use the following formats:
General Form:
Rxxx n1 n2 Rval
Rxxx n1 n2 <mname> Rval <TC1=val> <TC2=val> <SCALE=val> <m=val>
+<AC=val> <DTEMP=val> <L=val> <W=val> <C=val>
Rxxx n1 n2 R='equation'
The fields are:
- AC
- AC resistance used in the AC analysis. Default=Reff
- C
- Capacitance connected from node n2 to bulk. Default=0.0
- Element and circuit temperature difference. Defualt=0.0
- equation
- The resistor can be described as a function of any node voltages, branch
currents, and any independent variables such as TIME, frequency (HERTZ), or
temperature (TEMPER).
- L
- Resistor length. Defualt=0.0
- M
- Multiplier used to simulate parallel resistors. Default=1
- mname
- Model name.
- n1
- Positive terminal node name.
- n2
- Negative terminal node name.
- R
- Resistance.
- Rxxx
- resistor element name. Must begin with an 'R' followed by up to 15
alphanumeric characters.
- Element scale factor for resistance and capacitance. Default=1
- TC1
- 1st order Temp. Coeff. for resistor.
- TC2
- 2nd order Temp. Coeff. for resistor.
- W
- Resistor width. Default=0.0
R1 Rnode1 Rnode2 100 $100 ohm res. between Rnode1 and Rnode2
RC1 12 17 1k TC=0.001, 0 1.2 $res. with TC1=0.001, SCALE =0, and
R4 33 0 45 RTC1 RTC2 7 $45 ohm res. with TC1=RTC1, TC2=RTC2,
$and SCALE =7.
The capacitor elements use the following formats:
General Form:
Cxxx n1 n2 capval
Cxxx n1 n2 <mname> capval <TC1 <TC2>> <SCALE=val> <IV=val> <M=val>
+<DTEMP=val> <L=val> <W=val>
Cxxx n1 n2 <mname> C=val <TC1=val> <TC2=val> <IV=val> <SCALE=val> <M=val>
+<DTEMP=val> <L=val> <W=val>
Cxxx n1 n2 C='equation' CTYPE=0 or 1
The fields are:
- Cxxx
- Capacitor element name. Must begin with an 'C' followed by up to 15
alphanumeric characters.
- C
- Capacitance in farads at room temperature.
- For capacitance, if C is a function of v(n1,n2), then CTYPE=0 else, CTYPE=1.
The capacitance charge is calculated differently depending on the value of
- Element and circuit temperature difference. Defualt=0.0
- equation
- The capacitor value can be described as a function of any node voltages,
branch currents, and any independent variables such as TIME, frequency
(HERTZ), or temperature (TEMPER).
- IV
- Initial volatge across the capacitor in volts.
- L
- Capacitor length length. Defualt=0.0
- M
- Multiplier used to simulate parallel capacitors. Default=1
- mname
- Model name.
- n1
- Positive terminal node name.
- n2
- Negative terminal node name.
- Element scale factor. Default=1
- TC1
- 1st order Temp. Coeff.
- TC2
- 2nd order Temp. Coeff.
- W
- Capacitor width. Default=0.0
C1 1 2 CAPXX $Capacitor between nodes 1 and 2 with value CAPXX
Cload 5 0 10u $10uF cap. between node 5 and ground.
The inductor elements use the following formats:
General Form:
Lxxx n1 n2 lval
Lxxx n1 n2 lval <TC1 <TC2>> <SCALE=val> <IC=val> <M=val>
+<DTEMP=val> <R=val>
Lxxx n1 n2 L=val <TC1=val> <TC2=val> <IC=val> <SCALE=val> <M=val>
+<DTEMP=val> <R=val>
Lxxx n1 n2 C='equation' LTYPE=0 or 1 <R=val>
The fields are:
- Element and circuit temperature difference. Defualt=0.0
- equation
- The indcutor value can be described as a function of any node voltages,
branch currents, and any independent variables such as TIME, frequency
(HERTZ), or temperature (TEMPER).
- IC
- Initial current through the inductor in ampres.
- Lxxx
- Inductor element name. Must begin with an 'L' followed by up to 15
alphanumeric characters.
- For capacitance, if L is a function of I(Lxxx), then LTYPE=0 (default)
else, LTYPE=1. The inductance flux is calculated differently depending on
the value of LTYPE.
- M
- Multiplier used to simulate parallel inductors. Default=1
- n1
- Positive terminal node name.
- n2
- Negative terminal node name.
- Element scale factor. Default=1
- TC1
- 1st order Temp. Coeff.
- TC2
- 2nd order Temp. Coeff.
- R
- Resistance in ohms of the inductor element.
Llink 42 69 1u $1uH ind. between nodes 42 and 69
Lshunt 23 51 10u .001 0 15 IC=15.7m $10uH ind. between nodes 23 and
$51 with a 1st oder temp.
$coeff.=.001, SCALE=15, and
$15.7mA of initial current
Diodes in HSPICE can be anywhere from very complex realistic diodes to simple
ideal ones depending on the circuit designer. In general all diodes will have a
model name and be defined by a .MODEL statement. Since most models are provided,
.MODEL descriptions will not be given in any detail. The diode element uses the
following foramts:
General Form:
Dxxx nplus nminus mname <options)
Dxxx nplus nminus mname <AREA=val> <PJ=val> <WP=val> <LP=val> <WM=val>
+ <LM=val> <OFF> <IC=vd> <M=val> <DTEMP=val>
Dxxx nplus nminus mname <W=val> <L=val> <WP=val> <LP=val> <WM=val>
+ <LM=val> <OFF> <IC=vd> <M=val> <DTEMP=val>
The fields are:
- Represetns the area of the diode. Default=1.
- The temperature difference between the element and circuit. Defualt=0.
- Dxxx
- Diode element name. Must begin with an 'D' followed by up to 15
alphanumeric characters.
- IC
- Initial diode voltage.
- L
- Diode length (in meters).
- LM
- Metal cpacitor length (in meters).
- LP
- Polysilicon capacitor length (in mters).
- M
- Multiplier factor to simulate multiple diodes.
- mname
- Diode model name (up to 16 characters).
- nplus
- Positive terminal name (arrow end) of the diode (up to 16 characters).
- nminus
- Negative terminal name (line end) of the diode (up to 16 characters).
- Sets the diode initially to the off operation region (DC analysis).
- PJ
- Periphery of junction.
- vd
- Value of the initial voltage across the diode.
- W
- Diode width (in meters).
- WM
- Metal capacitor width (in meters).
- WP
- Polysilicon capacitor width (in meters).
Dbridge 2 10 diode1 $simple diode modeled by diode1 that
$lies between nodes 2 and 10.
dclmmmp 3 substrate dmod IC=0.2 $diode conected between nodes 3 and
$substrate, model name dmod, and .2v
$initial voltage.
BJT's in HSPICE, like the diode, also require .MODEL statements. Since the
.MODEL statement defines if a transistor is npn or pnp, a general .MODEL
statement is shown below: .MODEL mname NPN <or PNP> <paramters>
Only the model name (up to 16 characters) and NPN (or PNP) must be included. The
BJT element uses the following formats:
General Form:
Qxxx nc nb ne mname
Qxxx nc nb ne <ns> mname <aval> <OFF> <IC=vbeval,vceval> <M=val>
+ <DTEMP=val>
Qxxx nc nb ne <ns> mname <AREA=val> <AREAB=val> <AREAC=val> <OFF>
+ <VBE=val> <VCE=val> <M=val> <DTEMP=val>
The fields are:
- Multiplying factor for the emitter area. Default=1 (effects resistances,
capacitances, and currents within the transistor).
- Area of the base. Default=AREA.
- Area of the collector. Default=Area.
- aval
- Value of the AREA variable.
- The temperature difference between the element and circuit. Defualt=0.
- IC
- Variable for the initial condition of the transistor.
- M
- Multiplier factor to simulate multiple BJTs (effects all resistance,
capacitance, and currents).
- mname
- Transistor model name (up to 16 characters).
- nb
- Node name for the base terminal (up to 16 characters).
- nc
- Node name for the collector terminal (up to 16 characters).
- ne
- Node name for the emitter terminal (up to 16 characters).
- ns
- Node name for the substrate terminal (up to 16 characters).
- Sets the transistor initially to the off operation region (DC analysis).
- Qxxx
- BJT element name. Must begin with an 'Q' followed by up to 15 alphanumeric
- vbeval
- Initial base-emitter voltage.
- vceval
- Initial collector-emitter voltage.
Q23 10 24 13 qmod $BJT with collector, base, and emiter at nodes
$10, 24, and 13 respectively and model name qmod
Q50 11 265 4 20 mod1 $substrate connection at node 20
q100 cx bx ex qpnp AREA=1.5 AREAB=2.5 AREAC=3.0
$Differing emitter, base, and collector areas
MOSFETs are another device within HSPICE that requires a .MODEL statement. The
.MODEL statement is required to define whether or not the circuit designer want
to deal with a p- or n-channel device. The syntax for the .MODEL statement is
shown below: .MODEL mname NMOS <or PMOS> <parameters>
Only the model name, mname, and the NMOS (or PMOS) are required. The
MOSFET transistor element uses the follwing formats:
General Form:
Mxxx nd ng ns mname
Mxxx nd ng ns <nb> mname <L=val> <W=val> <AD=val> <AS=val> <PD=val>
+ <PS=val> <NRD=val> <NRS=val> <RDC=val> <RSC=val> <OFF>
+ <IC=vds,vgs,vbs> <M=val> <DTEMP=val> <GEO=val> <DELVTO=val>
Mxxx nd ng ns <nb> mname lval wval...
The fields are:
- AD
- Diffusion area of the drain.
- AS
- Diffusion area of the source.
- Zero-bias threshold voltage shift. Default=0.
- The temperature difference between the element and circuit. Defualt=0.
- Source-drain sharing selector (only use for ACM=3 in .MODEL). Default=0.
- L
- Channel length (in meters).
- mname
- Transistor model name (up to 16 characters).
- M
- Multiplier factor to simulate multiple MOSFETs
- Mxxx
- MOSFET element name. Must begin with an 'M' followed by up to 15
alphanumeric characters.
- nb
- Node name for the bulk terminal (up to 16 characters).
- nd
- Node name for the drain terminal (up to 16 characters).
- ng
- Node name for the gate terminal (up to 16 characters).
- ns
- Node name for the source terminal (up to 16 characters).
- Number of resistance squares of drain diffusion. Default=0.
- Number of resistance squares of source diffusion. Default=0.
- Sets the transistor initially to the off operation region (DC analysis).
- PD
- Drain junction perimeter (including channel edge). Default=0.
- PS
- Source junction perimeter (including channel edge). Default=0.
- Contact resistance on the drain. Default=0.
- Contact resistance on the source. Default=0.
- vbs
- Initial bulk-source voltage.
- vds
- Initial drain-source voltage.
- vgs
- Initial gate-source voltage.
- W
- Channel width (in meters).
m1 24 2 0 type1 $MOSFET with drain node 24, gate node 2, and
$source ground. The transistor is defined dy
$the type1 model.
M2 2 17 6 10 MODM 5u 2u $bulk connection at node 10 and has a 5um
$legnth and 2um width channel.
m3 2 9 3 0 mod1 ad=100p as=100p pd=40u ps=40u
$100pm^2 drain and 100pm^2 source diffusion
$area and 40um perimeter source and drain
In general, voltage and current sources in HSPICE can be very almost anything
from simple dc sources too incedibly complex piecewise linear ones. The general
form for both current and voltage sources are shown below:
General Form:
Vxxx n+ n- <DC=>dcval
Vxxx n+ n- <AC=>acmag, acphase
Vxxx n+ n- tranfun
Ixxx n+ n- <DC=>dcval
Ixxx n+ n- <AC=>acmag, acphase
Ixxx n+ n- tranfun
The fields are:
- AC
- Indicates the source is to be used in AC small signal analysis.
- acmag
- magnitude of AC source.
- acphase
- phase of AC source. Default=0.
- tranfun
- Transient source function (i.e. PULSE, PU, SIN, EXP, PWL, PL).
- Ixxx
- Independent current source element name. Must begin with an "I"
followed by up to 15 alphanumeric characters.
- M
- Multiplier used for simulating parallel current sources. Default=1.
- n+
- Positive node
- n-
- Negative node
- Vxxx
- Independent voltage source element name. Must begin with an "V"
followed by up to 15 alphanumeric characters.
Vx 1 0 5 $5 volt dc source between 1 and ground
Vb 2 0 dc=vcc $dc source with voltage vcc
Vh 3 6 dc=2 ac=1,90 $2v dc souce with a 1v 90degree ac component
Ig 8 7 PWL(1ma 0s 5ma 25ms) $piecewise linear current source
The pulse function can create either a linear rectangular or linear trapazoidal
pulse with an initial time delay. The function also has user defined rise, fall,
and high times. The functions are placed in the tranfun position listed above.
The pulse function has the form:
General Form:
PULSE <(>v1 v2 <td> <tr> <tf> <pw> <per> <)>
PU <(>v1 v2 <td> <tr> <tf> <pw> <per> <)>
The fields are:
- per
- Pulse repetition period in seconds (i.e. how often it repeats). Defualt=TSTEP
(the transient timestep).
- pw
- Pulse width (the time the pulse remains high). Default=TSTEP
- td
- Time delay for the start of the transient interval to the up ramp.
- tf
- Fall time. Default=TSTEP.
- tr
- Rise time. Default=TSTEP.
- v1
- Initial value of voltage or current before the pulse.
- v2
- Pulse current or volatge value
Vin 3 0 PULSE (-1 1 2n 2n 2n 50n 100n) $Pulse function form -1v to +1v
$with a 2ns delay, 2ns rise time, 2ns fall time,
$50ns pulse width, and a 500ns
$repitition period.
V1 99 0 PU 1 5 3ns 1ns 1ns 25ns 150ns $An alternaive notation
The HSPICE sin function can produce a sin wave input with user defined delay,
magnitude, and phase. Also, HSPICE can also produce exponentially damped sin
General Form:
SIN <(>vo va <freq <td <damp<pd>>>> <)>
The fields are:
- freq
- Wave frequency in Hz. Default=1/TSTOP
- pd
- Phase delay in degrees (not radians). Default=0
- td
- Wave time delay in seconds. Default=0.
- damp
- Wave damping factor in 1/seconds. Default=0.
- va
- Wave voltage or current amplitude in volts or amps.
- vo
- Wave offset in volts or amps.
VIN 3 0 sin (0 1 100meg 1ns 1e10) $1 volt 0 offset 100MHz sin
$wave with a 1ns delay and
$1e10 damping factor
V12 1 0 sin 0 5 10k $5v 0v offset 10kHz sin wave
The exp function produces an exponential with user definable rise time and fall
time constants and delay values.
General Form:
EXP <(> v1 v2 <td1> <t1> <td2> <t2> <)>
The fields are:
- t1
- Rise time constant in seconds. Default=TSTEP
- t2
- Fall time constant in seconds. Default=TSTEP
- td1
- Rise delay time in seconds. Default=0
- td2
- Fall delay time in seconds. Default=td1+TSTEP
- v1
- Starting voltage (in volts) or current (in amps).
- v2
- Pulse value of voltage (in volts) or current (in amps).
Vin 3 0 exp -4 -1 2n 30n 60n 40n $A waveform that rises from -4v
$to -1v exponentially with a
$30ns time constant. The drops
$to -4v at 60ns with 40ns time
The HSPICE piecewise linear function is a collection of user defined pulses and
steps. All plateaus and rise and fall times are also user definable. In
addition, when moving between differing voltages or currents, the function will
always proceed linearly.
General Form:
PWL <(> v1 t1, <v2 t2, v3 t3,...> <R =<repeat>> <TD=delay> <)>
The fields are:
- R
- Forces the function to repeat.
- repeat
- The start time for the function to repeat in seconds.
- t1...
- The time values in seconds.
- TD
- Keyword for the function time delay
- delay
- Actual time delay in secnonds.
- v1...
- Current or voltage values.
Note: Each voltage and time come in pairs. For example, at t1 the
function will be at voltage v1, at t2, the function will be v2.
V1 1 0 pwl 60n 0v, 120n 0v, 130n 5v, 170n 5v, 180 0v, R
$This pwl function mimics a pulse function with a rise time of 10ns
$(from 120n-130n) a 5v high for 40ns (130n-170n), and a 10ns fall time
$(170n-180n). Next the function repeats (period=180ns).

The material in this website is an expanded version
of material presented by Dr. J. Steensgaard.
This website is maintained by Shouri
Chatterjee. This page was last updated on