SPICE is a general purpose analog circuit simulator that is used to verify circuit designs and to predict circuit behavior. This is of particular importance for integrated circuits. It was for this reason that SPICE was originally developed at the Electronics Research Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley (1975), as its name implies:
Simulation Program for Integrated Circuits Emphasis
HSPICE is a commercial and very powerful version of SPICE that has fewer bugs than the freely available Berkeley SPICE. HSPICE is a relatively comprehensive program that can be used to simulate very large circuits comprising many different types of components. HSPICE is able to handle hierarchical circuit structures (i.e., you can define subcircuits) and supports both local and global variables/parameters.Circuit analyses supported by HSPICE:
Components supported by HSPICE:
The material in this website is an expanded version of material presented by Dr. J. Steensgaard. This website is maintained by Shouri Chatterjee. This page was last updated on 02/11/2003